And speaking of being satisifed, my husband and I gave everyone on our Christmas list - chalkboards! We made chalkboards out of repurposed mirrors and frames and blackboard paint. I think everyone that received a chalkboard was pleased. We used elegant and fancy frames; we wanted the chalkboards to be functional art; we didn't want them to look like "school". The blackboard paint is very cool! We used matte black, even though there are many colors to choose from; red, purple, green. I have so many ideas; I saw a globe painted with the black and used as a memo pad. I want to get an old sled; paint the seat part with the chalkboard paint and hang it on the front porch and use it to post seasonal greetings. The blackboards are very functional and practical. They are a good way to communicate and save paper. They can be used in the kitchen, the office or almost anywhere.
With the close of this year; my thoughts are also on the past. I've been thinking about what a huge influence my mother has been on my passion for recycling and repurposing. My mom was recycling before it was popular or cool. She was very "crafty" and frugal. I remember collecting cattails, milkweed pods and thistles; spray painting them gold and making Thanksgiving centerpieces. I also remember the year she made the whole family robes out of towels. They were functional and groovy! We even wore them to the public pool over our bathing suits. Mom found quite a few ways to repurpose used plastic bleach jugs. She made cute, little buckets to store curlers and similar items. She made bedwarmers for those cold winter nights. I remember hesitantly putting my cold toes on hot water filled jugs at the bottom of my bed.
Mom is still pretty creative, she made a quilt out of T-shirts from her travels. She recently made a handbag from a man's tweed jacket. We often share ideas for new materials for handbags and quilts.Thanks, Mom, for the creativity gene.