Friday, July 30, 2010

A Passion for Repurposing

I have a passion for repurposing.

Repurposing isn't new - it's just a new term. I've been repurposing and recycling all my life, and I think I come by it honestly, my mother was a recycler before it was cool. In fact, I was embarrassed by her recycling ways. But not anymore, I got the "making do and making it new" gene. I think I embarrass her now!

Now with the economy being bad, recycling and repurposing is the correct thing to do. It's good for the environment and the economy. It's good for your economy. There is so much waste in the world it gives me a thrill to make something new out of something old and tired. Giving new life to old stuff, it is my creative outlet! I lay awake at night planning what to make with new found materials.

Americans have been recycling, repurposing for years. Some good examples are saving hair to make art, broaches, and etc.; painting tires white and using them as planters in your yard; and the same for old bathtubs and toilets. Tacky, but that is repurposing! An old toilet filled with petunias is something you don't see too often anymore!

I'm on a kick now where I am saving dog fur to make into yarn. Weird, maybe...but it's warm, clean, and soft and there are many good fuzzy memories of lost beloved doggies. That will be a subject for a future blog!

Quilting, of course, is the biggest example of repurposing and recycling. Woman have been making quilts out of old clothing and feedbags for generations, all over the world! I just recently made a quilt out of my friend's husband's old plaid work shirts! One of my favorite quilts!
And speaking of quilting, I am getting into my repurposing specialty.....fabrics, old clothes, old linens, and etc. Not just for quilting, which I love, but to make clothes, purses, FASHION!!

This is a handbag I just made out of old wool pants! Pretty and practical! That's what it is all about making useful pieces out of old materials! I'm so excited! So many more projects..... I bought a old 1970's bedspread at a garage sale for 50 cents! It's fabulous! But it will make an even more fabulous dress!